With rising growth rates and per capita income levels on the Indian subcontinent, foreign
direct investment in the region, especially through mergers and acquisitions, has increased over the past decade. Using transaction data regarding the industry affiliation of the target and acquiring firms, deal size, deal structure, and deal completion rates from a worldwide M&A database compiled by Thomson Reuters’ Financial Services, this article aims to provide contemporary and comparative information on merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka over the last decade, 2010-2019. The largest numbers and values of mergers occurred in India. Surprisingly, Sri Lanka had the second largest number of M&A deals, followed by Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pakistan accounted for the second highest transaction value, followed by Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan M&A market had a high ratio (60 percent) of Sri Lankan firms acquiring other Sri Lankan firms, while in Bangladesh, non-Bangladeshi companies accounted for ninety-three percent of the value of all large M&A deals. Future trends, important caveats, policy issues, and implications for managers planning M&A deals in the region are presented.