Pakistan’s youth1 consists one-fifth (25 million) of its population
and is one of the most valuable resources for its national growth and
prosperity. An educated, skilled, and healthy youth, in other words a
developed youth, would most certainly put Pakistan in the course of social
and economic enrichment. Hence, it is imperative to determine where
Pakistan’s youth stands in terms of development characteristics and
The present study is based on a national survey “Pakistan’s Youth:
Transition to Adulthood: Education, Work and Marriage” undertaken in
all four provinces by the Population Council in 2001-02, with a sample size
of 8,074 youth and 6,812 households in 252 communities. The survey used
three comprehensive questionnaires with various modules covering
education, work, marriage, fertility, and living conditions of youth, their
households and their communities. The survey also covered gender
attitudes, norms, mobility, and safe places.
The present paper has used the data from the above-mentioned
study to work out “Youth Development Index” (YDI). The YDI is a simple
summary measurement, as other development indexes, of four dimensions of
the youth development concept: educational attainment, employment,
recreation and health seeking behaviour. The index has been analysed with
other independent variables to ascertain the links of various agents and
determinants affecting the development of youth in Pakistan. Then a
regression model has been used to finally ascertain the factors that are
most significant in a young person’s life.